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Review of By-laws Evans made a motion to continue this item until the next meeting. Bazzano seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. Evans made a motion to recess the meeting and go to the Council Chambers for the scheduled public hearing. Bazzano seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. PUBLIC HEARING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Appl 05-64P, Executive Court request for a resubdivision of 38+ ac. Of property to create 17 lots located at LO12 Governors Highway, on the easterly side of Nutmeg Road North and northerly side of Governors Highway, I zone (continued from 11/1/05) Attorney Joel Janenda, representing the applicant, reviewed the history of presentation of this application. Karen Isherwood, P.E., Design Professionals, Inc. and representing the applicant, had the following comments in her presentation: Drainage is designed to tie into drainage swales; both swales and CBs will drain into the existing detention basin which will have a modified outlet to provide peak discharges at or below the existing peak discharges off site for all storm events. Several alternatives have been presented to the Town Engineer regarding modifying the outlet to lower the elevation of the basin and raising the road in certain areas. Pipe drainage will be isolated from Executive Court and tie in directly to the south to the 24 pipe located in Governors Highway. Also an 18 concrete pipe will be isolated to connect underneath Executive Court to 2 original drainage channels as shown on the plans. There will be 2 CBs that cannot be brought to Governors Highway they will continue to drain northerly into the channel. Attorney Janenda continued. Residents have expressed concerns about traffic speed and trucks on Governors Highway for many years. The submitted traffic report stated that traffic will be increased but with modification of the two signals, level of service would not be impacted. The applicant would agree to provide the staff-requested traffic calming study if the Commission will allow the applicant to postpone planting street trees along Governors Highway. The applicant will provide a dedicated easement for the street trees; and trees can be planted during the development of each site. The applicant would also consent to provide a walking path along the drainage easement running from Executive Court to Nutmeg Road (1650) instead of concrete sidewalks along Governors Highway street frontage. Richard Boston, Landscape Architect, Design Professionals, Inc. and representing the applicant had the following comments in his presentation: The proposed path would consist of wood chips (5 wide) with an 80 vertical clearance, 3 deep woodchip base, no greater than a 5% slope, with no more than a 2% cross slope; subbase would be compacted to 85%. Wood chips will be in compliance with the guidelines for pedestrian and recreational paths, they are more naturalistic and easier on the knees and ankles of a runner/jogger; easier to maintain and use of a recyclable material; wood chips meets OSHAs standards. Tracking of stone dust into buildings is not desirable. Janenda had the following comments: It is not desired to have sidewalks industrial and commercial use exists - not for children to ride their skateboards on. Intent is to provide a safe, convenient path for the people who are the occupants in Executive Court. The applicant is willing to contribute up to $20,000 towards a traffic calming study. Susan Vanbenschoten, P.E., traffic engineer with Fitzgerald & Halliday, had the following comments in her presentation: Has a history in South Windsor doing traffic calming work familiar with the concept and the issues on Governors Highway. Traffic calming study should include Beldon Road. Banach provided the following Planning report: Planning Departments two main concerns were provision of walking facilities for the occupants of the industrial park, and the provision of a traffic calming study for the residential end of Governors Highway. The applicants proposal satisfied the concerns of the Planning Department on both items without permanently sacrificing the street trees. The walking trail is an acceptable alternative means of providing safe walking facilities for employees within the industrial park. Staff would, if the Commission does look favorable upon this proposal, ask for an approval condition that the street trees be provided on the individual site plans so that provision doesnt get lost over time. Staff also suggest that the walking trail be surfaced with stone dust. There are two reasons: the stone dust will provide a better handicap access; and if maintenance of the trail doesnt end up being a high priority; an unmaintained stone dust trail will last a lot longer than an unmaintained wood chip trail. Doolittle provided the following Engineering report: Have had discussions with the site engineer about the drainage issues that were raised, and the flow for more than half of the lots on the cul-de-sac has been routed to the existing storm drainage system in Governors Highway. cul-de-sac itself was not able to be routed to Governors Highway drainage system. That flow will go into the detention basin, details (elevations and slopes in that area) have to be worked out. Kennedy requested input from the public. Carina Butler, 596 Governors Highway, spoke as a neutral person. Her concerns centered on the residential area being protected; traffic, noise, line of demarcation, and the promotion of traffic calming measures. John Pelkey, 81 Norman Drive, spoke of traffic calming techniques, traffic calming measures, and the reworking of Governors Highway. Bazzano read into the record a letter from EDC, dated October 10, 2005 in which approval was recommended for this application. (Exhibit A) Discussion ensued among the Commissioners with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be in Italics. Traffic calming techniques and the willingness of the applicant to contribute toward the funding of the study. Concern with using wood chips for the proposed path; concrete sidewalks are an all-weather surface. Difficult to make a decision without knowing the Beldon Road traffic patterns. Time frame for study. It is anticipated that the study will be incorporated as an approval condition then proceed with the study - estimation is approximately 6 months. Redesigning the intersection at Governors Highway and Route 5 to provide a right hand lane. Level of service improvements will require signal timing change only; CT DOT ultimately decides. Maintenance of the path. Maintenance will be accomplished by the lot owners. Eastern buffer. It is proposed as a 50 landscaped buffer with existing trees of ash and oak; it is proposed to provide an inter-planted buffer using evergreen trees and shrubs. Timetable for construction. There is no timetable because the future is unknown at this time; it is not desired to cut down trees to plant street trees; there will be no clear cutting; it is proposed to construct Executive Drive road, swales and the detention basin. Clarification of path. Stone dust paths are located at DST, Nevers Road Park; wood chip trails are on the Michael Donnelly Preserve because it is a wildlife nature trail; stone dust will last longer and it stands up to heavy use. Use of the path. Paths direction was chosen along the drainage channel and for the compromise it would provide. Bond for path. Bond can be placed on installation not future maintenance. Applicants willingness to provide a stone dust path if the Commission so requires. Yes. Kennedy closed the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. CONTINUATION OF REGULAR MEETING MADDEN ROOM Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following: 3. Appl 05-52P, Charter Oak Education, Inc. request for special exception to 4.1.8b and site plan of development for reuse of the building for a small private school, on property located at 414 King Street, RR zone. Pacekonis made a motion to place this item first under New Business. Bazzano seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. Choate did not vote on this item. Evans made a motion to approve Appl 05-52P, Charter Oak Education, Inc. with the following modifications. No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office. All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor. This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority. The building street number must be included on the final plan. Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas. All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected. Sullivan seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. 1. Appl 05-62P, DST Output Technologies Phase III request for a site plan modification for a 43,316 sf addition on property located at 125 Ellington Road (easterly side of Ellington Road, northerly side of Burnham Street), I-291 CD zone Peter DeMallie, Design Professionals, Inc. and representing the applicant, had the following comments in his presentation: Presented history of the site. Addition will be placed on the northeast corner of the existing building and will be utilized for production space. DST is a high tech printing facility, third largest first-class mailing facility in the U.S. Facility is a clean facility and employs up to 500 associates (completion of the facility will accommodate 650 associates). 2 parking areas are proposed (phased in as needed). A waiver is requested is for 102 parking spaces, 549 are required. It should be noted that there is a large existing walking path around the site. Approvals have been obtained from IWA/CC and ADRC. Access from Burnham Street was acquired. Construction schedule will include Spring 2006 start and will take approximately 1 construction season. Galen Semprebon, Engineer, Design Professionals, Inc. and representing the applicant had the following comments in his presentation: It is proposed to install some additional loading docks on the easterly side. Drainage will connect into the existing system and detention basin/swale. Impervious coverage is approximately 13.76 acres. The rear area will be drained into the swale (land is flat and easy to work with). Proposal will not impact existing utilities. Richard Boston, Landscape Architect, Design Professionals, Inc. and representing the applicant had the following comments in his presentation: Lighting will be a continuation of what exists, e.g. Cooper Lighting System; (Cooper Silver) 23 light poles; 400 watt metal halide; existing lights on building will be removed and relocated onto new addition (250 watt metal halide); 70 watt lights will be above the exits. Lighting levels will be maintained at an average of 1.29 foot candles throughout the area. There will no change to the signage. During construction, the underground irrigation system will be addressed. Landscaping will be a continuation of matching street trees, e.g. sycamores, red maples, sugar maples. Evergreens and shrubs will be introduced in the buffer areas. Existing dogwoods will be saved and replanted to the westerly portion of the site. Patrick VanCuso, Capital City Architects and representing the applicant had the following comments in his presentation: Aesthetically the facility will not look larger when all is accomplished because the addition is filling in a corner. The new walls will be a continuation of the precast panels. New proposal will include matching roof screens, materials, and color to existing building. It should be noted that the new panels will not match exactly because the existing panels have weathered and results in a slightly different color eventually it will all match. Banach provided the following Planning Report: Request for site plan approval for a 43,316 sq ft expansion at DSTs existing building, 125 Ellington Rd, I-291 Corridor zone. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 70%, which includes a bonus for consolidated parcels, as DST has incorporated smaller lots into their existing large lot. Proposed addition height is 36 feet; 60 feet allowed. Lot size is 47.3 acres; minimum lot size allowed is 5 acres. Front yard setback is 237 feet, 50 feet required. The projected traffic increase is minimal and should be readily handled by Route 30, which as you recall, was reconstructed several years ago in the vicinity of DST. State Traffic Commission approval for the expansion is required. The applicant has requested parking waivers, with the number of spaces waived to be lessened over time as Phase II parking is constructed. There is a sufficient quantity of vacant land on this site to provide additional parking if it is needed. The applicant is making modifications to existing loading docks. The new addition does not have any new loading areas. The proposed architecture matches the existing building. Rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened using the same screening that is used on the existing roof. Architectural and Design Review Committee reviewed this application on November 3 and was satisfied with the plans as presented. The I-291 Corridor Zone has a parking lot landscaping requirement of 10% of the interior of a parking lot with 30 or more parking spaces. Staff would like to see verification on the plans that the parking lot landscaping requirements have been satisfied. There is an existing detention basin, disguised as a very attractive pond, which has capacity for the proposed addition. There are regulated wetlands on site. IWA/CC approved the application on October 9, with approval conditions including: Beech trees to be located and mapped on the plans; installation of plantings in the swale to be supervised by the consulting Environmental Scientist, not to be planted until weather permitting; The area east of the existing detention basin can be mowed only once every two years; and A bond in the amount of $5,000 to ensure compliance with the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures, and a bond in the amount of $10,000 to ensure establishment of the swale and plantings. 9. The Fire Marshal has no comments at this time and indicated that he will review the construction plans when available. 10. Public water and sewer are available. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is not required. 11. The Town of East Hartford was notified of this pending application, as required by State statute. If this application is approved, Planning Dept requests that the IWA/CCs approval condition about mapping the specimen beech trees be incorporated into the final plans, and verification that parking lot landscaping meets zoning requirements. Doolittle provided the following Engineer report: There are several places on the plans where two or more texts overlap making them difficult to read. For example, the bearing and distance on the easement on Sheet 6 and the label for the gravel access drive on sheet 9. Please fix the text labels. Sheet 9 has labels for 4 existing trees near Ellington Road that are not shown. On Sheet 10, show a saw cut and patch of existing pavement in the parking lot where the 68 LF of 15 RCP connects the existing CB with the Proposed CB. Suggest concrete curbing be included along the proposed 25 ft access drive and loading area. The existing site drives and parking areas all have concrete curb. Also, the proposed southern loading area will be subject to flooding during a 25 year (or greater) storm event (El. 57). Curbing can reduce the extent of flooding during these storms. The area between the drainage swale and the adjacent property of Theresa Coughlin near the southeast corner of the site will be subject to flooding during large storms (El. 58). Continue the top of the berm at elevation 60 in this area to keep flood waters in the swale and on site. A large area to the east of the proposed parking area, that includes the proposed jogging path, will be subject to flooding during the 10 year (or greater) storm events (El. 56.6). Suggest the jogging path be raised above elevation 58 in this area so the flood waters do not overtop the path. This will keep flood waters west of this path, and in the swale. Show another construction entrance pad at the northern end of the proposed 25 foot bituminous driveway. Revise the detail for the jogging path to show 6 of compacted stone dust or 3 inches of compacted stone dust on 3 inches of compacted Gravel, DOT Gradation C. Also include a note to grade a slight crown in the jogging path so water drains off to the sides. Revise the detail for the Pavement Cross Section so is calls out 8 Process Aggregate Base, 3 Bituminous Concrete Pavement, and 8 of concrete with reinforcement or wwf. I have questions about the tree placement near the proposed generator building and near the proposed parking area. Discussion ensued among the Commission members with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be in Italics. Architectural relief along the long side is desired. This is visible only to people using the loading dock; south side from Burnham Street will be unchanged. Truck traffic. Factored into the traffic study. Growth of the company. As the company grows there is new technology that will require less people but produce more. Pacekonis made a motion to approve application 05-62P, DST Output Technologies, Phase III with the following modifications: Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff. No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office. This application is subject to the conditions of approval of the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission, including a bond in the amount of $5000 for erosion & sediment control; a bond in the amount of $10,000 to ensure establishment of the swale and plantings; and including the location of the specimen beech trees on the final plan. A landscape bond in the amount of $10,000 is required and must be submitted prior to filing of mylars. All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy. An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations. All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor. In accordance with State statute (CGS 14-311), no building permits will be issued until the required State Traffic Commission certificate is obtained. The building street number must be included on the final plan. Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas. All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected. The Town Engineers review comments dated November 18, 2005, must be addressed to the Town Engineers satisfaction. Include parking lot landscaping calculation in zoning data table. Bazzano seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. 2. Appl 05-64P, Hawkes Site Plan request for site plan approval for the construction of a 1,200 sf garage associated with a tree cutting business for property located at 305 Sullivan Ave., I zone (Exhibit B) Eric Wagner, Tarbell & Heinz and representing the applicant had the following comments in his presentation: It is proposed to construct the garage to house equipment. Wetlands were delineated by John Ianni and the proposal will not impact the wetlands. There are two employees. The gravel access way will be upgraded and bring the parking lot up to code with the Town specs. Site is flat thus little pitch on the site existing sheet flow will continue. Banach provided the following Planning report: Request for site plan approval for the construction of a 1,200 sf storage garage on property located at 305 Sullivan Ave, I zone. Our records indicate that an office, as part of a minor home occupation, was established for a tree cutting business in 1997 by a previous tenant, and at that time no equipment or other material was to be stored on site. It is our understanding that Mr. Hawkes purchased the property in 1998. A tree-cutting business has continued to operate from this site, and outside storage of material and equipment has occurred. The applicant is being required to submit a site plan as a part of the building permit process for the garage and, as part of this site plan application, is required to address all aspects of the business that is currently operating from this site. Maximum impervious coverage allowed is 65%; 22 % shown. Proposed building height is 1 story; 40 feet allowed. Lot size is approximately 2 acres; minimum lot size allowed is 20,000 sf. Frontage is nonconforming at 143; minimum allowed is 150. Front yard setback for the new structure is 231 feet, 50 feet allowed. There is an existing second unit in the house, however there is no office in the house. The parking requirement based on the separate uses on the site is 13 spaces; 13 spaces provided. Staff have examined the potential for access management on this site. At this time, the sites primarily residential character renders it a poor candidate for access management interconnection to the adjoining sites. We do, however, support the engineering dept recommendation to reduce the existing curb cut on this existing site. An initial site visit revealed a significant amount of outdoor storage existing on the site that is not reflected on the plans. Items included: numerous wood piles (some of which are covered); a second storage trailer/bin behind the existing garage; old cement mixer; ladders, multiple vehicles (fire truck and delivery truck towards rear of site), various pieces of equipment, barrels, etc. A recent site visit revealed that the applicant has made significant efforts to clean up the site and has indicated his intention to continue doing so. (A picture of the site photographed from Sullivan Ave has been provided.) The applicants engineer has indicated that the wood piles on site are for the applicants personal use and are not sold to others. The applicant has indicated that his intention is to store most of the equipment used in the tree removal business in the new building. There is no signage, new lighting, or new landscaping proposed at this time. The proposed garage addition will not be visible from the Sullivan Ave. However, we have suggested that the applicant consider interplanting some evergreens among the deciduous trees along the side property lines to provide some additional screening during winter months. There are regulated wetlands on a small portion of the property to the rear, but the construction activity is located away from the wetlands, and the applicant is disturbing less than 20,000 sf ; therefore no IWA/CC approval was necessary. There is existing water and sewer serving the property. Water Pollution Control Authority approval is not required as there are no new hook ups proposed. The applicants representatives has indicated that there are no sanitary facilities on site utilized by his employees. Staff has a question regarding how refuse will be collected? There is a dumpster located on site, however it does not appear to be accessible. We note that commercial properties are required to accommodate their own refuse collection. Any dumpsters to be utilized must be shown on a concrete pad and screened. If this application is approved, the Planning Department requests the following approval modifications: An equipment storage area should be designated on the plans. All junk, machinery and items/materials not used in the operation of Hawkes tree removal service must be removed. The site clean up must be completed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the storage building. If a dumpster is to be used, it must be shown on the plan on a concrete pad with screening. Doolittle provided the following Engineer report: The driveway opening is wider than needed and opens into the parking spaces shown on the plan. This driveway opening should be narrowed to 20-24 feet wide at the property line with an appropriate radius to meet the existing pavement on Sullivan Ave. The dirt parking areas and existing wood road shown on the plan need to be regraded and filled with at least 8 inches of compacted process aggregate or gravel. This is to fill low spots and shed water from these areas so they drain and are stable. At the time of my site visit some of these areas were wet, muddy and difficult to get through. The stormwater drainage patterns on this site need to be clearly defined and use grass swales or some other method to treat the stormwater and convey it to the areas it naturally drains to now. The proposed changes should be designed so there is no increase in stormwater runoff from this site. The outdoor equipment and materials stored on site (such as trucks, trailers, wood piles, and other stuff need to be clearly shown on the plan. Discussion ensued among the Commissioners with the following comments and concerns: Replies will be in Italics. Clarification of refuse disposal. The applicant has a permit from Manchester for disposal of refuse. Clarification of curb cut. The applicant will adhere to curb cut as requested by the Town Engineer. Pacekonis made a motion to approve Appl 05-64P, Hawkes Site Plan with the following conditions: Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff. No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office. All bonds must be in one of the forms described in the enclosed Bond Policy. An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations. Footing drains are required if the building has a basement. All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor. This approval does not constitute approval of the sanitary sewer, which can only be granted by the Water Pollution Control Authority. If a State Traffic Commission certificate is required, no building permits will be issued until the certificate has been issued (per CGS 14-311). The building street number must be included on the final plan. Pavement markings must be maintained in good condition throughout the site drives and parking areas. All free standing signs and/or building signs require the issuance of a sign permit before they are erected. Engineering comments dated 11/16/05 must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer. An equipment storage area should be shown on the plans All junk, machinery and items/materials not used in the operation of Hawkes Tree Removal service must be removed and the site clean up should continue and be completed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the storage building. Choate seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. 4. Meeting Schedule for 2006 Choate made a motion to approve the submitted meeting schedule for 2006. Pacekonis seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. BONDS Site Bond Appl #03-96P, Eagle Run SRD: Present amount is $193,454.00, reduction is $135,454.00, remaining balance is $58,000.00 Evans made a motion to reduce the above referenced site bond. Bazzano seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. Subdivision Bonds Appl #04-06P, Joseph Lane Estates: Present amount is $152,094.00, reduction is $102,094.00, remaining balance is $50,000.00* Appl #02-22P, Vintage Hill II: Present amount is $277,130.00, reduction is $249,420.00, remaining balance is $27,710.00* Appl #90-77P, Deming Hill Estates Phase 7: Present amount is $211.180.00, reduction is $112,880.00, remaining balance is $98,300.00 Maintenance bonds expire on 11/22/06. Choate made a motion to approve the reductions of the above referenced subdivision bonds. Bazzano seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. Landscaping Bonds Appl #02-76, Summerwood SRD: Present amount is $20,000.00, reduction is $15,000.00, remaining balance is $5,000 Pacekonis made a motion to reduce the above referenced landscaping bond. Bazzano seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. IWA/CC Bonds Appl #04-31P, Filenes Trailer Parking: Present amount is $5,000.00, reduction is $4,000.00, remaining balance is $1,000.00 Appl #04-64P, G & R Marine: Present amount is $10,000.00, reduction is $8,000.00, remaining balance is $2,000.00 Pacekonis made a motion to reduce the above referenced IWA/CC bonds. Bazzano seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. Extension of Meeting Choate made a motion to extend the meeting for discussion of a Holiday Dinner. Pacekonis seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous. APPLICATION TO BE RECEIVED: 1. Appl #05-68P, Adventure Quest request for a special exception to section and site plan approval for a recreational facility on property located at 100 Bidwell Road, I zone ADJOURNMENT Pacekonis made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. ________________________________ respectfully submitted Date Approved Phyllis M. Mann Recording Secretary.     TOWN OF SOUTH WINDSOR PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES November 22, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING/SPECIAL MEETING 7:30 p.m.  PAGE 12 ,  # $ E H N Q ` c y z   # $ ޻޻wwooh ^JaJh h]o>*^JaJh]oh]o^JaJhsB~^JaJh2hw^JaJh]oh]o5^JaJh]o^JaJh]o5^JaJh/]^JaJhT_^JaJhl,^JaJhDwh]o^JaJhDwhT_^JaJhDwhT_5^JaJhT_hT_^JaJ' M N ` y z   # $a$gd]o$^`a$gd]o$h^h`a$gd]o$ @ ^@ `a$gd w$  ^ ` a$gd wb# $ 6 7 7$ & F a$gd:Sk$a$gd H $ a$gd"J?$ hh^h`a$gd! $ a$gd $ & F a$gd $  ^ ` a$gd w$ 6  $)cd 7CƽҙyyqyqiqiiahKjn^JaJh^JaJh3HH^JaJhW{^JaJh H^JaJhx^JaJh"J?^JaJhW^JaJhoqh! ^JaJhoq^JaJh_J:>*^JaJhoq>*^JaJhoqh! >*^JaJh! ^JaJh! 5^JaJh_J:^JaJh ^JaJh h >*^JaJ&CDuvHN'\]$a$gd 5$a$gdNB$a$gdr$a$gd$ & F a$gd:Sk48CDho3y (GHMNds&'h92E^JaJhG^JaJhNB^JaJhb^JaJh9p^JaJh,^JaJhjY^JaJhr^JaJh_J:^JaJhm^JaJh ^JaJh7%^JaJh^JaJhKjn^JaJh"J?^JaJ2   :<i ,:P *,`abDE ȸȸȸȸȰȰȰȰȸȘȘȘȘȘȘȘh~^JaJhW^JaJhM ^JaJh_J:^JaJhs_^JaJhh^JaJh a^JaJhWE^JaJh^JaJh92E^JaJh H^JaJh9p^JaJh 5^JaJ<]  ;< +,abE  1 2 $  ^ ` a$gd w$ hh^h`a$gd~$ & F hh^ha$gd~ $ ha$gdWE$a$gdM $a$gd a$a$gd92E$ & F a$gd:Sk   0 1 2 !! !!!%!J!!!!!""s"""""2#4#R#Y#a#b#c#m#v######$C$Z$[$$$$$$$%ºҴ{{{ h WP6h# h|Be6 h#6h h7%h 5h WPh) h[6h[h!h<aJ h)aJh)^JaJhS^JaJh q^JaJh]o^JaJh 5h]o^JaJh 5^JaJh 5h 5^JaJhW^JaJ02 ! !!!"""""c##[$%f%&#' (z(())N)O)gdqgd f6 & Fgd[$a$gd w$  ^ ` a$gd w$a$gdAr%%%%%2%e%v%&4&t&&'"'#':'( ((y(z((((((()))))M)N)O)|)})~)))))ʼϸϸʱϣzohbh^JaJh f6^JaJhsB~^JaJhK^JaJh f6h[5 h f65h  h hq hqhq hqh f6h WP h f6h f6 h f6hJ( h f66h f6 h h hJ( h h[ hJ(6h# h#h) h WP6 h#6)O)})~)))**!+"+D+E+++,,-R--$.%.s.$ & F h0`0a$gdM $ !)Ba$gd$ !)Bh^h`a$gd$ !)Bh^h`a$gd w))**+$.t.w...d/e/f/////0 0t0u000116171<1K1L1y11q2222223333333p55555#6L6M6N6R6»¯קקןh9N^JaJhI^JaJh|Be^JaJh^JaJh[^JaJhsB~hsB~>*^JaJ hsB~>*aJhsB~>*^JaJhsB~^JaJh _h^JaJh*nh^JaJh>*^JaJhbh>*^JaJ5s.t.e/f///0u00N1112H2q222_3`333*4 $ !)Ba$gd$ & F !)Ba$gd$ !)Bh^h`a$gd w $ !)Ba$gd*4}444:5;5M6667~7788888;99J:K:z:{: $ !)Ba$gdS9 $ !)Ba$gdI $ !)Ba$gd9N$ & F !)Ba$gdR6\6667788888999:9;999J:K:y:z:{:ACEEEPNNNNNN,O1OcOdOsOOOؿؑtllhKk^JaJhKkhK^JaJhKk6^JaJh_J:6^JaJhS96^JaJhKhK6^JaJhK6^JaJhK^JaJhjhj>*h^JaJ h;fhh;fh^JaJhS9^JaJh|Be^JaJhX^JaJhI^JaJh[^JaJ'{:@<(=>>?@0AAAkBBCDfDDEE$ !)Bh^h`a$gdS9 & FgdrY[ & F hh^h`gd   & F 8gd  & F ^gd  & F hh^hgd EEF@GG7IUJK)L.MMPNNNdOOP PPP $ !)Ba$gd$ & F !)Ba$gdK $ !)Ba$gdK$ & Fda$gdj$ !)Bh^h`a$gd wOOPP PPPYTZTUVVVVVVWWWWW'X(XYYYYYh8i:iii jͿ}}vrne_nVnhWnhJ6aJ hJ6aJh hJ6aJhJ6h hhhh^JaJh5(5h^^JaJh5(5^JaJhsB~>*^JaJhsB~^JaJh^JaJhh^JaJ h;fh;f hh;fh;fh5^JaJhsB~h^JaJhhS9^JaJh6^JaJh^JaJ!PP;QRRFSS9TTUuUUVVVVVWW(X$ !)Bh^h`a$gdsB~ $ !)Ba$gd41p  & Fgd8  & Fgd;f  & Fgd;f  & Fgd;f  & Fgd;f  & Fgd;f(X)XdXXX4YYYYY\[\ ^^`acdef#h & F hh^hgdJ6$ !)Bh^h`a$gdJ6$ & F !h)Ba$gdX$ !)Bh^h`a$gdsB~#hhhi jooooooo8p9pppppeqfqDtt u*hh&g7^JaJh^JaJh hJ6aJ$o9pppfqqrr3srssDtttuv v $ !)Ba$gd+ $ !)Ba$gdz & F >^`>gdJ6 & F ```gd8 & F >^`>gd8 & F ```gd8vv v#v*^JaJh5(5>*^JaJh5(5^JaJhzhz>*^JaJhzhz5^JaJhz5^JaJhzhz^JaJhz>*^JaJhz^JaJh+^JaJhMyhi^JaJ$ v=v>vvvvvvv`wawwwxx~xxxx}y~yyyNzOzaz $ !)Ba$gd+$ !)Bh^h`a$gdzazbzzzj{k{x{y{{{g|h|||}}}}}}~~~~$ !)Bh^h`a$gd_J: $ !)Ba$gd+~~~~~,Dabdeghjkmn  !0* & $a$gd w $ !)Ba$gdK~~abcefhiklnʿ~ hc yhXhX0JmHnHujhX0JU hX0JhXhX>*B*OJQJphhX0J5>*B*phhX5>*B*phhX5B*phhztjhztUh w^JaJh ~^JaJh4q}^JaJh_J:^JaJ  !|)gdn:,&P/ =!"#$% (@@@ NormalB*CJ_HmH sH tH 8@8 Heading 1$@&5B@B Heading 2$@&5B*OJQJN@N 9: Heading 3$@&^` B*phDA@D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List l$@l Envelope Address!@ &+D/^@ 5CJOJQJ>%@> Envelope ReturnCJ^O^ agenda items minorh^h`5B*OJQJ8@"8 Header  !B*.)@1. 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